Friday, October 22, 2010


For all of you who don't know what that means, it stands for THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY. Really. If there was one more day added on to the normal school week, I think I would go insane. (Just kidding, but how horrible would that be?)

Anyways, sorry I haven't posted in a few days...this week was SO busy! I had tons of homework (particuarly in science- thank you, my lovely science teacher!) and a cross country meet along with my usual stuff- dance two nights and a night with a violin lesson. Yesterday was the last cross country practice until next year, and I'm really sad. I have a huge state meet tomorrow, and then it's over! :( The good part about cross country ending is that I'll have a lot more time after school to do homework and to update this blog, so you should be hearing more from me!

Next, I wanted to talk about the poll I posted on here about a week ago. I looked at the results, and only 2 people have voted. And, considering that the 2 people are my brother and I (he hates Daughtry, and I L-O-V-E him) that's pretty pathetic. Listen up, people! I don't know how many of you actually read and follow this thing, but why can't you take the time to answer a simple question??? I gave you plenty of answers!!!!! In the future, PLEASE TAKE MY POLLS!!!

BOOK UPDATE: So far I am on page 124 out of 360 pages in The Scorch Trials by James Dashner. Let me tell you, it is SO AWESOME! A bit gory and gruesome, but still great! It's a good book to read around Halloween time.

Just a last thought before I end this post: My mom and I were walking across a parking lot today and I saw this weird, skinny tree next to our parking space. There were these little red balls all scattered underneath it. When I asked her what it was, she said it was most likely an ornamental crab-apple tree. Isn't that the most randomest thing ever? Who would ever think of planting an ornamental crab-apple tree in a parking lot? I laughed when she said that. Ha Ha! Still laughing!!! :0)

Talk to you later!!!!!

Still giggling,

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