Sunday, October 31, 2010



I love Halloween, so I am dedicating this entire post to the spooky holiday!

I like Halloween because you can dress up and tell scary stories and get scared and scare others. But I do have to say, it's a LOT more fun scaring others....especially when those 'others' are your little brother's best friends!

My bedroom has been decorated with fake cobwebs for about a month now... it looks like I'll have to take them all down tomorrow! :( But then I can start decorating for Christmas, which is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE holiday!!!!

This is the first year ever that my family has not gone trick-or-treating. I have to admit, it's a little depressing. My mom said I'm too old to go now, but I think you're never too old to have fun!! And we totally missed the Snoopy Halloween special on TV!!!!!! We watch it every year, but this year we've been so busy with sports and school and stuff that we didn't catch it. Ugh! I'm so mad! I guess I'll just have to watch it on the Snoopy DVD we have in the closet...

So, everyone go out there and have fun tonight! Be safe (but not too safe- I mean, PLEASE remember to have fun!), have a great time and get lots of candy!!!

Oh, and one last thing......


Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!

The Spooky,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your first year not going? I thought this would be mine, too, but I just wanted the candy too bad. Next year will probably be mine, though. Sad.


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