Sunday, February 12, 2012


Author: Jaclyn Moriarty
Number of Pages: 340
Publisher: Scholastic
Release Date: April 1, 2005

One English class at Ashbury High is chosen to write letters to their rival school, Brookfield High. This Ashbury class includes three best friends- Lydia, Emily, and Cassie. When the girls find out that their pen pals are guys, they are really excited. Emily and Lydia seem to get along with their pen pals really well- in fact, maybe a bit too well, *wink, wink*- but Cassie's pen pal keeps sending her threatening letters. Can they get to the bottom of this dangerous pen pal mystery?

This book is entirely written in letter an journal entries. At first I didn't like the format it- it was a bit confusing- but once you get to know all the characters the writing is easier to follow. I liked how Cassie, Lydia, and Emily all had really different personalities in their letters. It made things a lot more interesting to read. I loved the twist at the end, even though I guessed the outcome beforehand. At times this book was slow, but it got better. Overall, this was a fairly enjoyable read.

My Rating: :0) :0) :0) :0) 4 out of 5 smileys

Would I recommend it to a friend?: Yes.


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