Wednesday, August 10, 2011

So sad.

The other day I went to the movie theater with my friends to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 in IMAX 3D. Let me tell you, that movie is AMAZING!!!!!!! They did change a few  details from the books, but it worked to the movie's advantage, so it's all good. I was laughing and crying and feeling happy and sad all at once while watching it. To me, this is by far the best movie in the series!

Despite the pure awesomeness of the movie, I am very sad. After all these years of reading Harry Potter and watching the movies and waiting expectantly for the ending, it feels like the ending has come too soon. I started reading the series when I was in second grade, and it's been a huge part of my life ever since. To see this fantastic series of books and movies finally come to an end.... well, it sort of feels like losing a close friend. *tears* But I know that as fans of Harry Potter, we will continue to keep these characters alive in our own lives.

I encourage you to go out and see the movie- you won't regret it! And if you haven't read the series yet- WELL, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???? Your public library most likely has all of them (really, what's a library without the Harry Potter series) so go there right now and check out as many of them as your library allows!!!!!!!!



  1. I disagree, I liked the movie (I mean, it's HARRY POTTER, what can you give it BUT five stars), but there were some changes to it that I felt could not be forgiven.
    I made a post about that. In it I suppose I DID exaggerate my discontent a little, I'm not COMPLETELY disappointed in it - I loved it at parts - but it was really anticlimactic, and depressing. Did you notice there's just gray everywhere, in the entire movie? It's weird.


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