Sunday, January 2, 2011

What do you know, it's already 2011...

Happy New Year! I know, I know, I'm a day late. Form an angry mob if you want to.

This year I'm going to do more stuff on this blog. What kind of stuff, you ask? You'll see. I updated The Waiting Room page with more books I'm waiting to read. You have no idea how many books aren't published yet. It's awful! When I'm halfway through an awesome series I don't want to find out that the next book won't be published for five months! :(

Anyways, I'm adding a new page. It's going to be a list of books I've read in the year to come. In 2010 I read 53 books. This year I want to read at least 100. I don't know if I will, but I'll try.

So, I hope you all have a great day and stuff.



  1. Whaaaat?
    You're LATE? Gasp! I cannot believe that after keeping up a steady stream of one-post-per-day for WEEKS, you have the nerve to skip posting on ONE day!
    That's it, I'm getting out my torch and pitchfork!


  2. edit: you only kept the one-post-per-day thing up for a few days. EVEN WORSE!


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