Sunday, December 11, 2011


Author: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Number of Pages: 816
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Release Date: October 5, 2010

The ups and downs of high school life continue in the second and third bind-ups in the Alice series. In It’s Not Like I Planned It This Way, Alice’s sophomore year is chock full of change, from a new living arrangement, to a possible new relationship, to the newfound freedom that comes with driving. And in Please Don’t Be True, the adventure of growing up continues in Alice’s junior year, when she and her friends deal with issues like a pregnancy scare and a heartbreaking good-bye. But no matter what changes, Alice is as relatable as ever.

I really liked this book. I liked how it was really realistic- Alice goes through what a lot of girls go through their sophomore year of high school. There were a few things that I didn't like about it, though. First, Alice and her friends are totally boy-crazy. Since I'm not like this, I'm finding it harder and harder to relate to Alice, since, as you know, I am more of a nerd. Also, I thought that the ending was sort of abrupt. Since the book is so long, you would think there would be plenty of time to build up an ending- well, that didn't really happen. Overall, it was a good read.

My Rating: :0) :0) :0) :0) 4 out of 4 smileys.

Would I recommend it to a friend?: Yes, one that has read I Like Him, He Likes Her.


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