Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, Chris Daughtry!


Yeah, I found out from his web/blog thing that today is Chris Daughtry's birthday. And, since you guys know (or should know) that I'm obsessed with him, I've decided to post it on my blog. I don't know how old he is turning, but it doesn't really matter. Happy Birthday, dude!

I hope you guys had a Merry Christmas and all that fun stuff. And if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a happy Hanukkah or a jolly Kwanzaa or a happy whatever-holiday-it-is-that-you-celebrate!

We are supposed to get around 18 inches of snow (in blizzard form) tonight where I live. So, if you don't here from me for a while it is because the power is out. Or it might just be because I am too lazy to post. Don't worry, I'll let you guys know!



  1. 18 inches of...
    Could you just give a little hint about where you live? Like maybe what country? I mean, I already suspect US, so if it's that could you say NE or SE or SW or NW? You know, just so little things like this don't shock me.
    Where I live the first snow of the year was on Christmas and I MISSED IT because I was on vacation in Florida and now it's all melted. All my friends are emailing me, showing pictures of snowmen they made and telling me about snowball fights and how awesome it was.
    Apparently it's the first time it's snowed on Chirstmas in [city that I live in] since 1880 or something.

  2. Yeah, I live in the US in the New England region.


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