Sunday, September 18, 2011


Author: Libba Bray
Number of Pages: 390
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Release Date: May 24, 2011

You always hear stories about planes crashing and people being stuck on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. Well, have you ever heard of this happening to 50 beauty pageant queens? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, 50 teenage girls- one from every state in the USA- are stuck on an island by themselves, with no adults there to help them and no way to get in touch with anybody. How will they survive without food, without shelter- without makeup?!?!?! The only way to find out is to read this book!!!
As soon as I heard that Libba Bray had written this book I knew that I just had to read it. I finally checked it out of my town's public library. The plot of this book was totally original and funny. It had me laughing out loud so hard that my mom was like, "Are you ok?" Seriously. Also, even though some of the events in this book might seem random, when you finish reading it you realize that they are all connected and that it all makes sense. I had high expectations for this book, and they were pretty much met. The only thing I did not like about this book was the fact that in some parts it seemed to drag on a little bit. I think the book could have been a bit shorter- I mean, I absolutely love long books, but I don't think this one needed to be as long as it was. Overall, this was a great read.

Rating: :0) :0) :0) :0) 4 out of 5 smileys.

Would I recommend it to a friend?: Definitely!


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