Number of Pages: 247
Publisher: Square Fish
Release Date: 1962
Meg Murry an average girl with an unusual brother named Charles Wallace. When Charles Wallace starts talking about three ladies who supposedly live in an old, abandoned house down the road that is said to be haunted, Meg is skeptical. The two siblings meet Calvin one day, and from there everything is turned upside down. Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs.Who, and Mrs. Which take Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin on a journey to find Mr. Murry, who stopped sending them letters a year ago when he was away doing scientific research. As they travel through both time and space in the span of a single night, one has to wonder: will they find Mr. Murry? And even more importantly: Will they make it home alive?
I remember reading this book when I was younger. I also remember being really confused while reading it. Back then I didn't really understand the science aspect of this book, so I couldn't really enjoy it much. I decided to pick it back up again and give it another shot, now that I'm many years older.
One of the things I really like about this book is that it is very unique. The Mrs. W's all have dynamic personalities, making reading about them extremely enjoyable. Charles Wallace adds some mystery to this novel, with his personality that is just quirky enough that it is difficult to predict his actions. All of the little details make this story the great novel that it is.
With all of those good things said, there are some things that I did not like about A Wrinkle in Time. First, Meg's personality really irritated me. She was SO impatient and asked questions about EVERYTHING. She always needed Calvin to make her feel safe- she wasn't very independent. And she could not focus or see the bigger picture. She was obsessed with finding her father, which is understandable given the situation, but the entire Earth is at stake at well. Could we try to be a teensy bit less selfish here?
Also, you have to keep in mind that this is a children's book. That's probably one of the reasons I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought it would. I'm used to reading YA, so this was a little strange. All in all, it was a good read.
My Rating: :0) :0) :0) :0) 4 out of 5 smileys.
Would I recommend it to a friend?: Yes, but I would be sure to tell them that it is written for children, so it will be different from what they might normally read.
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