Author: Madeleine L'Engle
Number of Pages: 240
Publisher: Square Fish
Release Date: 1973
"It is November. When Meg comes home from school, Charles Wallace tells her he saw dragons in the twin’s vegetable garden. That night Meg, Calvin and C.W. go to the vegetable garden to meet the Teacher (Blajeny) who explains that what they are seeing isn’t a dragon at all, but a cherubim named Proginoskes. It turns out that C.W. is ill and that Blajeny and Proginoskes are there to make him well – by making him well, they will keep the balance of the universe in check and save it from the evil Echthros.
Meg, Calvin and Mr. Jenkins (grade school principal) must travel inside C.W. to have this battle and save Charles’ life as well as the balance of the universe."
Even though this is a sequel to A Wrinkle In Time, I was surprised at how little it actually connected with that book. Besides the characters, nothing of utmost importance is brought from the first book to the second, so you could definitely read this one without reading the one before it. That is why instead of doing on big post containing the entire series as a whole, I am going to do individual posts, because the books themselves are very independent of each other.
This book starts to get a bit more confusing then A Wrinkle In Time. They do include time travel, but a lot of it is focused on mitochondria and how they work, so it's good to know a little background on that sort of stuff. I already knew about them, so it was weird reading Madeleine L'Engle's description of them- it reminds you that this is not science, it is science fiction. I think that this book is definitely more "out there" than the first one, but it was still enjoyable.
I found Proginoskes to be a very likable character, as well as Blajeny. One again, Meg annoyed me A LOT. It seems that her ability to irritate me is directly proportional to her age. (The older she gets, the more she annoys me.) She is just so WHINY and dependent on others! And she WON'T STOP ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS!!!!! I like Charles Wallace much better, because he is much more mature than his older sister.
My Rating: :0) :0) :0) :0) 4 out of 5 smileys.
Would I recommend it to a friend?: Yes.
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