Author: Sarah Tregay
Number of Pages: 432
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Release Date: December 27, 2011
When Marcie's parents get divorced, her life changes drastically. She is forced to move to New Hampshire with her mother, leaving her father behind in Idaho. But that's not all she's leaving behind. Back in Idaho is a group of friends called the Leftovers- teenagers who don't quite fit in with any particular clique at school. Among these Leftovers is Marcie's boyfriend, Linus. So when a cute boy at her new school starts bringing her breakfast and treating her like more of a friend, Marcie isn't quite sure what to do. She should keep in mind that she has a boyfriend- but will she?
I absolutely loved this book. First, it was written in the form of poetry, which was different from most books. However, for this story it totally worked. It let a lot more emotion shine through the writing, instead of getting bogged down with the little details. Also, the whole idea of a group called the Leftovers is something that I think a lot of teenagers can relate to- well, it's something I can relate to, anyway. I felt like the feelings and emotions in this book were realistic for what Marcie was going through. Nothing about the plot felt forced or like it was choppy. All the events flowed with the ease of cause-and-effect. As you can probably tell, I adore Sarah Tregay's writing style!
Love and Leftover's had a really good ending in my opinion- it wasn't too fairy tale happy, yet it still left me feeling satisfied that everything was wrapped up. I guess the word for it would be bittersweet. Overall, this was a really great book!
My Rating: :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) 5 out of 5 smileys.
Would I recommend it to a friend?: YES!
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