Pretty Little Liars ~ 286 pages
Flawless ~ 330 pages
Perfect ~ 298 pages
Unbelievable ~ 352 pages
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Dates:
Pretty Little Liars ~ October 1, 2006
Flawless ~ March 15, 2007
Perfect ~ September 1, 2007
Unbelievable ~ June 1, 2008
"Three years ago, Alison disappeared after a slumber party, not to be seen since. Her friends at the elite Pennsylvania school mourned her, but they also breathed secret sighs of relief. Each of them guarded a secret that only Alison had known. Now they have other dirty little secrets, secrets that could sink them in their gossip-hungry world. When each of them begins receiving anonymous emails and text messages, panic sets in. Are they being betrayed by some one in their circle? Worse yet: Is Alison back? A strong launch for a suspenseful series."
- Excerpt from
These books are awesome! I have to say, I wasn't sure about reading them at first. I'm usually not one for the Gossip Girl-esque books filled with drama and stuff, but this one has me hooked! It's not so much the drama that I find interesting, but the whole murder plot back story thing with Alison. I love how everything is weaved together, and how there are so many teeny tiny details that have to fit perfectly into place. I give Sara Shepard a lot of credit!

As much as I love these books, I really don't think that the series should continue on past these four books. What, is it just going to drag on forever? I mean, I'm definitely going to read the rest of the series, but you don't necessarily have to. I think these four books are perfectly fine on their own.
My Rating:
Pretty Little Liars ~ :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) 5 out of 5 smileys.
Flawless ~ :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) 5 out of 5 smileys.
Perfect ~ :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) 5 out of 5 smileys.
Unbelievable ~ :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) 5 out of 5 smileys.
I give the series an overall 5 out of 5 smileys. These are some really awesome books!

Would I recommend it to a friend?: Yes, but only if they a.) are a girl b.) don't mind a bit of drama and c.) like mysteries. I don't think guys would find this book enjoyable to read AT ALL. I mean, I could be wrong, but I don't think they would like it. There's a lot of drama in it as I explained before, so they would have to be okay with that. Lastly, it's more of a mystery series than anything else, so if you don't like mystery, you might not like these books. But yes, I would absolutely recommend this series to a friend.
And just in case you guys are wondering...
NO, I do not watch the TV show.
Personally, I don't think that books should be made into TV shows, because ultimately it will end up running out the material because the books will end, and then it will turn into something that the books were totally not, and it just doesn't end well. Movies from books are completely okay, but TV shows just aren't. That's just how I feel about it though.
I'm just about to start that series!
ReplyDeleteThere's a TV show?