Author: Libba Bray
Number of Pages: 480
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Release Date: September 22, 2009
Cameron is a sixteen year old guy who could really care less about life. All he wants is to survive high school without having to put too much effort in. His easy-going attitude changes, however, when his is diagnosed with the incurable Mad Cow Disease. It's only when he is told that he is going to die that he realizes something: he really wants to live.
One day in the hospital Cam is visited by Dulcie, a punk angel who tells him that has been chosen to go on a mission that will save the world. But here's the catch: if the mission is completed in the two weeks available, Cam will survive his illness. So, with hope in his heart and his newest friend Gonzo in tow, Cam embarks on a road trip that will- hopefully- save the world.
I have very mixed feelings about this book. On the positive side, it was very funny, the characters were interesting and unique, and there were life lessons weaved in throughout the book. On the negative side, the plot seemed totally random and spontaneous, it seemed very slow and boring in many parts, and the ending was totally confusing- I'm still trying to figure out what exactly happened during the last fifty pages or so. Overall, it was an okay read.
Rating: :0) :0) :0) 3 out of 5 smileys. I was really looking forward to reading this book because it was written by Libba Bray, but once I finished I was sort of disappointed.
Would I recommend it to a friend?: That depends. Personally, I would not recommend it to any of my friends, knowing the sort of books that they like to read. But just because I didn't like this book doesn't mean that you won't! If the description I wrote interests you, don't be afraid to pick this book up and give it a try.