Sunday, October 31, 2010



I love Halloween, so I am dedicating this entire post to the spooky holiday!

I like Halloween because you can dress up and tell scary stories and get scared and scare others. But I do have to say, it's a LOT more fun scaring others....especially when those 'others' are your little brother's best friends!

My bedroom has been decorated with fake cobwebs for about a month now... it looks like I'll have to take them all down tomorrow! :( But then I can start decorating for Christmas, which is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE holiday!!!!

This is the first year ever that my family has not gone trick-or-treating. I have to admit, it's a little depressing. My mom said I'm too old to go now, but I think you're never too old to have fun!! And we totally missed the Snoopy Halloween special on TV!!!!!! We watch it every year, but this year we've been so busy with sports and school and stuff that we didn't catch it. Ugh! I'm so mad! I guess I'll just have to watch it on the Snoopy DVD we have in the closet...

So, everyone go out there and have fun tonight! Be safe (but not too safe- I mean, PLEASE remember to have fun!), have a great time and get lots of candy!!!

Oh, and one last thing......


Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!

The Spooky,

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I just finished reading The Scorch Trials by James Dashner this morning, about one hour ago. This was an awesome book, and it really impressed me.

Thomas and the Gladers wake up in their new dormitory thinking that they are now safe and all will be well. But they soon find out that nothing is ever as it seems. Cranks start appearing at their barred windows, the 'lobby' (for loss of a better word) is rearranged in a horrid way, Teresa is nowhere to be found...well, that's just the start of all of their problems! This book was extremely suspenseful and intense. Tom's mixed emotions kept me on my toes as I flipped through the pages of this book, not wanting to waste one moment wondering what would happen next.

My only complaint is that it was a bit more gory and gruesome than I might have liked, but I have to admit that it made the book a lot more interesting. And when the characters were sick or starving or on the edge of death, it made me feel sympathetic, which in turn made me want to keep reading to see if their conditions would improve.

This was a great book- totally worth waiting for! Now, when will the next one be published? Hopefully soon!!!!!

Rating: :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) 5 out of 5 smileys

Would I recommend it to a friend?: Absolutely! But I would tell them to read the first book in the series first. It's called: The Maze Runner, also by James Dashner.

Hmm....what book should I read next?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010


A few days ago I finished This Isn't What It Looks Like by Pseudonymous Bosch. This book is the fourth in the Secret Series. It was hilarious (as all of his books are) and it had me laughing at loud a ton!

In this book, Cass is stuck in a coma because she ate Time Chocolate. As Max-Earnest tries to figure out a cure, Cass travels mentally back in time to find her ancestor, the Jestor. Cass is surprised at what she finds on her journey, and at the very end of the book something happens that I totally didn't see coming.

I really liked this book! I love how P.B. writes it. It's as if he is having a conversation with you. There is going to be one last book in this series, which I think is coming out in about a year! Why does he make us wait so long????

Rating: :0) :0) :0) :0) Okay, so I'm only rating this book 4 out of 5 stars. Why, you ask? Well, it was a really great book, but the ending seemed like he never really finished the book. There is no real ending, no closing: it's like he just decided that he had to go to the bathroom so he just stopped writing. Other than that, I really don't have any complaints. Great read!

Would I recommend it to a friend?: Of course! Especially if you're looking for a good, long laugh!!! :0)


Monday, October 25, 2010


Oh, the joy of waking up at six in the morning to your annoying alarm clock, only to realize that it is Monday. And we all know what that means: no more weekend, school, and homework. Don't get me wrong; I like school a lot. It's just that, sometimes......

Anyways, the point I am trying to make is that it's Monday, and I don't know anyone who likes Mondays. If you do, please comment below. Thanks!

After school today I went with my mom and dad to Staples to get a new color printer. Let me tell you, it took FOREVER because 1) there are way too many options 2) my family has a hard time making decisions and 3) there was this young tech-guy working there that was yakking our ears off and trying to persuade us to buy this one specific printer. He said- and I'm serious about this- that its ink cartridges were "beasts" because you could get so many sheets printer using only one cartridge. I had to stifle my laughter by biting on the cuff of my sweatshirt. Ha ha!

I finished This Isn't What It Looks Like by P.B. yesterday, and it was really good! I would post a review today, but unfortunately it is Monday and it just isn't going to happen. Please try to understand and thanks for being patient!


Estoy cansada,

P.S. For those of you that don't text much (or don't get out much, either one), ttyl means 'talk to you later'.

P.S.S. For those of you that aren't Spanish or that are too lazy to learn the awesome language, estoy cansada means 'I am tired'.

P.S.S.S. I forgot to mention this, but we did actually end up buying the printer that that guy was trying to sell us. Gosh, we are so gullible!!!!!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010


For all of you who don't know what that means, it stands for THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY. Really. If there was one more day added on to the normal school week, I think I would go insane. (Just kidding, but how horrible would that be?)

Anyways, sorry I haven't posted in a few days...this week was SO busy! I had tons of homework (particuarly in science- thank you, my lovely science teacher!) and a cross country meet along with my usual stuff- dance two nights and a night with a violin lesson. Yesterday was the last cross country practice until next year, and I'm really sad. I have a huge state meet tomorrow, and then it's over! :( The good part about cross country ending is that I'll have a lot more time after school to do homework and to update this blog, so you should be hearing more from me!

Next, I wanted to talk about the poll I posted on here about a week ago. I looked at the results, and only 2 people have voted. And, considering that the 2 people are my brother and I (he hates Daughtry, and I L-O-V-E him) that's pretty pathetic. Listen up, people! I don't know how many of you actually read and follow this thing, but why can't you take the time to answer a simple question??? I gave you plenty of answers!!!!! In the future, PLEASE TAKE MY POLLS!!!

BOOK UPDATE: So far I am on page 124 out of 360 pages in The Scorch Trials by James Dashner. Let me tell you, it is SO AWESOME! A bit gory and gruesome, but still great! It's a good book to read around Halloween time.

Just a last thought before I end this post: My mom and I were walking across a parking lot today and I saw this weird, skinny tree next to our parking space. There were these little red balls all scattered underneath it. When I asked her what it was, she said it was most likely an ornamental crab-apple tree. Isn't that the most randomest thing ever? Who would ever think of planting an ornamental crab-apple tree in a parking lot? I laughed when she said that. Ha Ha! Still laughing!!! :0)

Talk to you later!!!!!

Still giggling,

Monday, October 18, 2010

They Finally Arrived!!!!!!!!!!!


I was SO happy when I came home from cross-country practice this afternoon and found out that the two books I ordered a week ago online (from had finally arrived. I ordered The Scorch Trials by James Dashner and This Isn't What It Looks Like by Pseudonymous Bosch. You'll notice that these two books titles are on my list of books I want to read in my The Waiting Room page in this blog. I have been waiting to read them for what seems like all of FOREVER, so I am SOOOO happy that they finally came!!!!!!!

Now......which one should I read first???

I think I will read The Scorch Trials first, since my friend has already read it and I really want to talk to her about it, only I can't because I haven't read it yet. But I won't be in that predicament for long...

Anyways, I'll try to write a review as soon as I finish it, or whenever I have time to. I am REALLY busy, but this week is the last week in my school for fall sports after school, so next week I will have more time to read and post on this blog.

Until next time,

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Change of Plans

Okay, so I originally planned on making this blog a book review blog- you know, a place for me to review on the great (or incredibly horrible) books I have read. Well, there has been a change of plans. After posting two book reviews I realized: if I keep up like this my blog will become one of the main sources of death-by-boredom in America. SO, I have made a decision to not only post things about books but also about my life. I will not use details such as my age, address, real name or other things like that that stalkers might use to track me down.

And for the record, I am not spanish and Aceba isn't my real name: I just like learning spanish in school and Aceba is the name I go by in Spanish class.

I hope you all approve of my decision. I don't know who I am talking to when I say this (Do I even have any followers?) but I don't care!

Anyways, if you're out there and you're reading this, I really appreciate it! Thanks!

The Amazing,

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Book Review: LOCK AND KEY

A few days ago I finished reading Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen. My friend recommended this book to me. She is obsessed with Sarah Dessen and said that she was an amazing author. I had never read any of her books before, so I decided to give it a try.

This book is about a seventeen year old girl named Ruby. Ruby and her mother have been living in a yellow house for quite some time. They are unresponsible when it comes to paying bills, due to the fact the Ruby's mother does drugs. One day Ruby wakes up and her mother is gone, without a note saying where she was going or anything. After a few months of living on her own someone finally finds out that Ruby's mother is gone and sends her off to live with her older sister and her husband. Her sister's name is Cora and she hasn't seen her in ten years. Ruby has a tough time adjusting to her knew life, home and school at first, but with the help of the boy next door, Nate, she somehow seems to be alright. Nate seems perfect on the outside, but Ruby soon realizes that nothing is ever what it seems.
This book is very touching and the ending is really unexpected, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My friend was so right- Sarah Dessen is a great author that pulls you into the story. I really felt like I could relate to Ruby, and after a while of reading it's hard to believe that Ruby is just a character in a fiction novel. I loved this book and will be reading another one of Sarah Dessen's books soon!

Rating: :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) 5 out of 5 smileys

Would I recommend it to a friend?: Absolutely!!!


Friday, October 15, 2010

Book Review: FANG by James Patterson

Just recently I finished reading Fang by James Patterson. This is the sixth book in the Maximum Ride series.

Whoa. Let me start of by saying that the whole series has been amazing so far. James Patterson is an incredibly talented author and this series has kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

This book had many twists and turns, some so unexpected that I actually had to stop reading and say, "Wait-what just happened?" The action never stops in this sci-fi adventure about a flock of genetically altered avian-human mutant kids. It is an incredible story and if you have never read any book of the Maximum Ride series I urge you to run to your town library or the nearest bookstore and grab yourself a copy of one of them. I have to warn you though- I actually started to cry at the end!!!

Rating: :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) 5 out of 5 smileys

Would I reccomend it to a friend? : Heck ya!!! This book rocks!

~ Aceba

Welcome To My Blog!

Hola, and welcome to my blog! I will mostly be using this to talk about books, reviews and writing. I don't know how often I'll get to post, so please be patient! Gracias!

~ Aceba